Candlelight Vigil 2024


Nikayla Bramwell

Crash Date: December 2, 2010

At a young age, I was told impaired driving is something that should never be ok or happen. I grew up watching COPS every Friday night and often read the poems about impaired driving and victims in " chicken noodle soup " books. So on the night of December 2nd 2010, when a impaired driver hit myself and my aunt April head on, I questioned why he thought it was okay to get behind the wheel impaired. And still 9 years later I often find myself wondering the same thing .

On December 2nd, 2010, I was involved in a head on collison in Sydney, Nova Scotia when a man more then double the legal limit crossed over 4 lanes of traffic and hit us head on. I suffered multiple compression fractures to my spine, fractured sternum and bruises of different varieties all over my body. I was later diagnosed in 2012 with fibromyalgia after experiencing shock like sensations around my spine. I was diagnosed with PTSD a few months after the crash and still 9 - almost 10 years later I suffer with flashbacks and dreams .The consequences of impaired driving last a lifetime to the survivors and victims. The pain, heartache and grief never truly go away just everyday seems to get just a little bit easier .

The hardest part of it all was losing my 30 year old aunt due to her injuries. My aunt was my role model and I considered her much like a mother figure. When I was little, I was always by her side. People would tell me how much I looked like her. The pain of not having her here in my life, to watch my sister grow up, to see my successes but also hug me during my weaknesses and hard days is something I miss the most. I miss her smile and laugh. I miss her compassion and gentlessness in everything she does and I've tried every day since 02/12/2010 to honor a legacy she would be proud of. Some days are absolutely unbearable but thanks to MADD, my family and friends I've realized with darkness comes alittle bit of light.

85 people have lit a candle for Nikayla Bramwell